

CA Manindra K Tiwari


CA Manindra K Tiwari


The Intellect Epitome

“We’re a young and dynamic team of professionals and lawyers led by CA. Manindra K Tiwari, the epitome of insolvency professionalism.”

He is a professionally qualified Insolvency Professional (IBBI), Chartered Accountant (CA), Company Secretary (CS), Law Graduate (LLB), and Diploma in International Trade Laws & WTO issues (DITL).

  • Role of an IP in CIRP and PPIRP

    In conducting CIRP/PPIRP of a CD, an IP may act as an IRP or RP. As IRP / RP, a whole array of statutory…

  • Role of an IP in Liquidation Process

    During a liquidation process, an IP acts as a liquidator and has three broad responsibilities of claim adjudication…

Our Services

  • Individual Insolvency Resolution

    During an insolvency resolution process, an IP in the capacity of RP files an application before…

  • Role of an IP in Bankruptcy Process

    On the passing of the bankruptcy order, the estate of the debtor vests in the IP acting as BT. In case the order is passed on an application…


“Sathyam vada; Dharmam chara”

We always endeavor to maintain Integrity, Independence, Impartiality, Honesty, Truthfulness, and straightforwardness. Transparency in our deeds and acts.

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