Our Services
Role as Insolvency Professional
“We are passionate to excel and always strive to provide quality representation and services to our valued clients.
We are having expertise in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code and are a go-to name in the field. The firm works closely with Corporate Debtors, Financial and Operational Creditors, Resolution Professionals and Resolution Applicants, with the sole intention of making the availability of insolvency and bankruptcy services more efficient, cost-effective, and achieving targets in a time-bound manner.
We are equipped with both litigation experience and as Insolvency professionals under the code including but not limited to negotiations, preparation of plans for the resolution applicant, advice to resolution professional, advice to the committee of creditors, and safeguards for the corporate debtor.
Our expertise covers legal and commercial roles as IP as well as Attorney Counsel for various fora under the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and other Various Corporate, Labor, and Financial Laws. Specifically, our Services can be segregated into the following broad categories:
1. Role as Insolvency Professional
2. Role as Legal Advisor
3. Role as expertise in Arbitration, Negotiations, Management, Finance and Commerce.

1. Role as an IP :
An IP plays a key role in resolution, liquidation and bankruptcy processes as may be applicable to companies, limited liability partnerships (LLPs), partnership firms, proprietorship firms and individuals.